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Since moving into our premises in 2015 we had the opportunity to build a specialised purpose built facility that would allow us to be at the forefront of development within the industry. As European distributor for Dynocom we have worked closely with ensuring we have the very latest technology allowing us to offer power runs and ECU mapping on some of the best 4 wheel drive dyno systems on the market.

Our commitment to development is that we not only have one 4WD cell, but in fact two 4WD dyno cells, each utilising either a belt or hydraulic linkage system for the most advanced vehicle control systems. This means that our development programmes do not need to stop and we can ensure we offer the highest quality of software.


Max Axle Weight
6,500 Ibs
Max Horsepower
Max Speed
Vehicle Track Range
16”(minimum inside) - 86” (max)
Wheelbase Maximum
Wheelbase Length
83” - 122” (4 Roller Optional)
Max Steady State Torque*
2,200 ft. Ibs.
Max Dynamic Torque
10,000 ft. Ibs. per axle

The AWD-5000-FX series dyno is a mechanically linked AWD chassis dynamometer system capable of supporting speeds up to 175+ MPH and 2000+ HP. It is equipped with a Frenelsa eddy brake and enables us to perform acceleration, step, sweep and steady-state tests., view in real-time torque/horsepower output, at steady and changing speeds, to instantly evaluate changes made to the engine’s fuel or timing maps and allows for troubleshooting drivability issues.

The AWD-5000-FX Series dyno incorporates linkage which insures that the front and rear rollers are always spinning at precisely the same road speed. This process eliminates the possibility of activating a vehicle’s traction control system and also insures that a vehicle’s torque management system is operating under the assumption that the vehicle is not skidding, turning or slipping.


Max Axle Weight
12,000 Ibs
Max Horsepower
Max Speed
Vehicle Track Range
36”(minimum inside) - 86” (max)
Wheelbase Maximum
Wheelbase Length
Max Steady State Torque*
2,200 ft. Ibs.
Max Dynamic Torque
10,000 ft. Ibs. per axle

The AWD 6500 chassis dynamometer system incorporates the latest in linear guided technology for precise wheelbase adjustments. Utilizing a pair of precision linear rod assemblies, advanced ball bearing units, a heavy duty pneumatic cylinder and electronic controls the wheelbase adjustment provides for trouble free and precise positioning over our competitors. Combined with Dynocom’s ultra-fast, micro-electronic designed PAU controller, the system provides precision speed synchronization and load optimization between the front and rear wheel driven dynamometer rollers eliminating any potential speed differential which may cause damage to the drivetrain of some AWD vehicles under test.

Dynocom’s eddy brake controllers are digitally controlled having an update rate of up to 10mS. Modern transfer cases have electromechanically ontrolled systems that can update at rates of up to 25 mS thus, to prevent damage to the transfer case, you must have a speed synchronization greater than 25 mS. Furthermore, the speed synchronization is an electronic hardware based solution. Thus a PC does not control the update rate and there are no software delays – the speed sync is always running and requires no user intervention. Dynocom’s eddy brake controller uses a digital phase angle modulation process to control our eddy brakes. This is by far superior than competitors zero cross process. Phase angle modulation is faster and more precise allowing for greater control of the eddy brake and voltage waveforms allowing for more responsive and positive speed synchronization.

Our 6500 AWD Series dyno incorporates a hyraulic linkage which insures that the front and rear rollers are always spinning at precisely the same road speed. This process eliminates the possibility of activating a vehicle’s traction control system and also insures that a vehicle’s torque management system is operating under the assumption that the vehicle is not skidding, turning or slipping.