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Celtic Tuning Chrome & Firefox Plugin

On a daily basis our customers contact us with 1 very common question. I am looking at buying a new car but I am not sure what to buy, can you tell me what you can do for this? at which point our friendly and helpful staff will go through various vehicles to help inform what we can achieve from a particular list being looked at.

Well today we can announce that we have listened to our customers wants and have developed specific plugins to help you choose a new vehicle based upon what we can achieve from them.

By installing either the Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome plugin you can have instant stats at your disposal whilst browsing for a new or used vehicle on, or EBay.

The plugin will work on both cars and vans and is intended for use within the UK named sites primarily. We understand that browsing for a car then trying to work out what power can be achieved can be time consuming so let Celtic Tuning guide you as you search through the thousands of vehicles to choose from.

The Celtic Tuning Vehicle stats plug-in can be found on the Mozilla Add-ons site

Download Here

The Celtic Tuning Vehicle stats plug-in can be found on the Chrome Web Store.

Download Here


Celtic Tuning Vehicle Stats Plugin

Simply browse through prospective vehicles and as soon as the page has loaded the plugin will earch the selected vehicle and return all details relating to what Celtic Tuning can offer.

Features include:

  • Stages available
  • Additional services offered
  • Clear power stats
  • Dyno charts
  • Request quote

The plugin does all the leg work for you ensuring you have clear details of how we can transform the vehicle you are looking at. For extra ease the plugin allows you to request a quote directly from the page you are on.

Don't want the plugin to keep popping up? not a problem select the hide button to have the plugin waiting in the background until you want it.